Nine enormous, mirrored and cartoon-like flowers sprout mid-way up the buildings of Martin Place. Vibrant reflections transform this urban business district...

Flowers' Power


2000 NSW

Martin Place - between Elizabeth Street and Macquarie Street
Flowers' Power
Flowers' Power

Artist Details

Spectaculaires Allumeurs d'Images Headshot

Spectaculaires Allumeurs d'Images

Spectaculaires, based in Brittany, France, specialises in videomapping and immersive storytelling. With their creative label Les Allumeurs d’Images, they craft bespoke shows that dazzle audiences worldwide. Their work blends artistry and technical precision to transform heritage sites and public spaces.

Event Details

Nine enormous, mirrored and cartoon-like flowers sprout mid-way up the buildings of Martin Place. Vibrant reflections transform this urban business district into a surreal garden of light. Step inside Flowers’ Power, a playful installation celebrating the beauty, diversity and fantastical nature of flowers.

Illuminated by shifting beams, coloured mirror shards scatter thousands of dynamic reflections and shadows, transforming the whole area into a field of wonder. As the reflections bounce around you, soft music harmonises with the shifting light, creating a fully transformative experience.

Country represented by installation: France


-33.867746939038, 151.21091886008

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Features Audio Features Audio - The event features audio.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.