Producer and bona fide hit-maker, Australia’s charismatic Nick Murphy recently evolved his Chet Faker alias into a wide screen version under his...

Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker Presents Missing Link


Bennelong Point
2000 NSW

Sydney Opera House
Nick Murphy

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.

Event Details

Producer and bona fide hit-maker, Australia’s charismatic Nick Murphy recently evolved his Chet Faker alias into a wide screen version under his own name for an exciting new chapter of music, mixing past and present influences of heavy beats and soulful jams. 

In 2015, Chet Faker brought heart and soul to the Opera House forecourt over two thrilling sold out performances creating an experience for 12,000 people that was charming, refined, and oozed personality.
Creatively reborn Murphy is now set to premiere new songs alongside his existing catalogue in this ambitious, brand new ‘in-the-round’ show, created exclusively for Vivid LIVE.
“A celebration of an incredible album…an astounding show.” – Music Feeds 

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Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.