Immerse yourself in the evocative sound of Arnhem Land’s Ngulmiya for an unforgettable evening of traditional storytelling through song.A Ngulmiya Nundhirribala...



183 Clarence St
2000 NSW

Machine Hall
Ngulmiya headshot
Ngulmiya headshot

Event Details

Immerse yourself in the evocative sound of Arnhem Land’s Ngulmiya for an unforgettable evening of traditional storytelling through song.

A Ngulmiya Nundhirribala performance is a powerful exploration of the ancient and the contemporary, where his traditional singing style — a craft honed and handed down over thousands of years — meets innovative improvisation, chamber and contemporary classical music.

On stage, Ngulmiya's presence is both commanding and intimate, connecting with the collective spirit of his ancestors while speaking directly to the modern listener.

"...owner of a voice capable of making you leave your body, no exaggeration." - Mundo Sonoro, Spain

Prepare to be transported by a performance that critics have lauded as nothing short of revolutionary.

This event is supported by Machine Hall Precinct and City of Sydney.

Image credit: Anthony Gray

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