Polyamory, open relationships and other forms of non-monogamy, ethical or otherwise, are enjoying their first real cultural moment in half a century. People...

Monogamy: The Natural Way to Love?


Level 2, 400 George Street
2000 NSW

Vivid Ideas Exchange - Telstra Customer Insight Centre
Panel of speakers
Panel of speakers


Ange Lavoipierre

Ange Lavoipierre

Ange Lavoipierre is an ABC journalist, writer, and comedian. She's currently the host and Executive Producer of the ABC’s culture podcast, Schmeitgeist, about what’s driving major trends in culture.

Dr Norman Swan

Dr Norman Swan

Norman co-hosts RN’s Health Report and Coronacast, a podcast on the coronavirus. Norman is also a reporter and commentator on the ABC’s 7.30, Midday, News Breakfast and Four Corners and a guest host on RN Breakfast. His books, So You Think You Know What’s Good For You (Hachette) and So You Want To Live Younger Longer have been on the best seller lists. Norman trained in medicine and paediatrics in Aberdeen, London and Sydney before joining the ABC.

Alex Lee

Alex Lee

Alex Lee is an award-winning writer, television presenter, comedian, actor, and journalist. Alex’s credits include Win The Week, Spicks and Specks, The Checkout, The Chaser’s Election Desk (ABC), Celebrity Letters and Numbers, The Feed (SBS), The Roast, Saturday Night Rove (Channel 10), The Other Guy (Stan) The Letdown (Netflix).

Annaliese Constable

Annaliese Constable

Annaliese Constable is a storyteller and comedian - which is code for severely mentally unhinged. Annaliese is a regular contributor to Queerstories and 2 Queers Walk Into a Bar and recently had a successful run of her show Mad Constable at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. If you want to find Annaliese on twitter search for Fisty Scent.

Elfy Scott

Elfy Scott

Elfy Scott is an award-winning journalist, podcaster and presenter working in Sydney. Elfy started out her career at BuzzFeed News Australia as a science reporter, and her journalism has featured in publications such as The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, Junkee and VICE. She also currently co-hosts the Spotify Exclusive Australian politics podcast Left Right Out and the weekly environmental news podcast The Green Canary. Elfy's greatest joys include explaining complicated things in accessible ways, speaking passionately about climate action, and napping.

James Colley

James Colley

James Colley is a writer from Western Sydney. His television work includes Gruen, The Weekly with Charlie Pickering, Question Everything, The 1% Club and Summer Love among others. He’s written for the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, Frankie and the Big Issue among others. His first novel The Next Big Thing will be out next year via Pantera Press. He also writes on bathroom walls and is rarely seen among others.

Anna Piper Scott

Anna Piper Scott

Anna Piper Scott is an award-winning stand-up comedian based in Melbourne. A trans woman of remarkable wit and social insight, her most recent show Such An Inspiration has toured Australia to great acclaim. She’s also the creator and host of queer cult sensation T4T: A Transgender Showcase, regularly performs improvised stand-up show Is This Anything?, and featured in Joanne Brookfield’s book No Apologies.

Event Details

Polyamory, open relationships and other forms of non-monogamy, ethical or otherwise, are enjoying their first real cultural moment in half a century. People who were once firmly committed to monogamy are for the first time contemplating an alternative. 

Join six of our sharpest and funniest minds, both monogamous and otherwise, in a comedy debate with substance, as they fight it out to settle the matter once and for all: is monogamy the natural way to love?

Hosted by journalist and comedian Ange Lavoipierre, in partnership with the ABC’s pop culture podcast Schmeitgeist. Expect vibrant, hilarious debate from ABC journalist and podcaster Dr Norman Swan, writer-comedian James Colley, stand-up comedian Anna Piper Scott, TV presenter and comedian Alex Lee, Mamamia editor and author Elfy Scott and comedian Annaliese Constable

This event is part of Vivid Ideas' Human Nature series. Challenge the 'natural' ways of thinking, and explore the emerging new normals across sex, relationships, body politics, travel and more.

Access and Inclusion

  • Auslan Interpreted Auslan Interpreted - Auslan interpreted events are for audiences who are Deaf and use Australian Sign Language (Auslan) as their primary means of communication. Experienced Auslan theatre interpreters stand to the side of the stage and translate what the speakers are saying or Auslan signing the text and dialogue live. Audiences requiring this service are seated in the section closest to the interpreter to ensure good sightlines.
  • Companion Card Acceptance Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.
  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.