With the growing prevalence of terms like “positive ageing” and “healthy ageing”, getting old can at times feel like a competition. But is there...

How to Grow Old Well and Try Not To Die


Level 2, 400 George Street
2000 NSW

Vivid Ideas Exchange - Telstra Customer Insight Centre
How to Grow Old Well and Try Not To Die
How to Grow Old Well and Try Not To Die


Neil Jeyasingam

Neil Jeyasingam

Associate Professor Neil Jeyasingam is a psychiatrist in public and private practice and clinical academic with Sydney University. He has an interest in ageing, due to his background in old age psychiatry, and as he is a human being and therefore subject to the passage of time.

Lisa Mitchell

Lisa Mitchell

Lisa Mitchell is a medical doctor specialising in the care of older people. She has an interest in clinical ethics and is a researcher in ageism.

Perminder Sachdev

Perminder Sachdev

Perminder Sachdev AM, MD, PhD is Scientia Professor of Neuropsychiatry, Co-Director of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) at UNSW Sydney, and Clinical Director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney. His major areas of research are cognitive ageing and dementia. He has published over 800 peer-reviewed journal papers and 6 books. He was named NSW Scientist of the year for Biomedical Sciences in 2010, and awarded the Ryman Prize for contributions to healthy ageing in 2022.

Ruth Wilson

Ruth Wilson

Dr Ruth Wilson is the author of The Jane Austen Remedy, the outcome of extensive reflection and a PhD completed at age 88. A pioneer of intergenerational projects in schools, she believes "it is a truth universally acknowledged that a book can change a life". She speaks on ageing, and how to do it well.

Patricia Segal

Patricia Segal

Mrs Patricia Segal is a role model for ageing well. As a near-Centenarian she still lives independently in her own home. She is an avid reader, designs and sews clothes, and after becoming a widow 7 years ago, she took up painting. She enjoys close contact with her son and daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as an active social life.

Event Details

With the growing prevalence of terms like “positive ageing” and “healthy ageing”, getting old can at times feel like a competition. But is there really a perfect way to ‘grow old well’?
Join a panel of experts on ageing as they discuss both the big existential and pragmatic questions around growing old, namely: should we be fighting a natural process, in an attempt to cheat death through science?
Hosted by psychiatrist Associate Professor Neil Jeyasingam, this night also features: geriatrician and ageism expert Dr Lisa Mitchell; Professor Perminder Sachdev AM, Co-Director of the UNSW’s Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, and Dr Ruth Wilson, who completed her PhD on Jane Austen at 88 years old.

Proceeds will be donated to Wisdom-Connect, a charity dedicated to reducing loneliness in older people in Aged Care facilities via video conferencing technology, allowing them to connect to the outside world.

This event is part of Vivid Ideas' Human Nature series. Challenge the 'natural' ways of thinking, and explore the emerging new normals across sex, relationships, body politics, travel and more.

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  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.