Join this pivotal and timely conversation about human rights in Australia and help strengthen justice, equity, compassion and respect as cornerstones of...
Free + Equal Human Rights Conference
Grand Ballroom
161 Sussex Street
2000 NSW
Event Details
Join this pivotal and timely conversation about human rights in Australia and help strengthen justice, equity, compassion and respect as cornerstones of our society.
Presented by the Australian Human Rights Commission, this historic national forum includes 12 sessions and events over two days featuring more than 50 leaders, experts and advocates from our human rights, civil society, legal, business, and government sectors. They’ll discuss and promote a progressive overhaul of Australia’s human rights framework, focusing on the introduction of a Human Rights Act.
Don't miss one of the conference highlights, a time-travelling panel show hosted by Adam Spencer where some of Australia’s most dynamic legal minds, media figures and comedians will wrestle with hypothetical scenarios of rights gone awry. This event promises not only to enlighten but to entertain, offering intriguing insights into advancing human rights in Australia.
Free + Equal Conference: Thursday 6 June, 5pm - 8.30pm & Friday 7 June, 8.30am – 5.30pm
Rights On Time panel show: Thursday 6 June, 7pm – 8.30pm
Free + Equal Conference Speakers, Panellists & Presenters
Waleed Aly | Journalist, presenter, academic and writer
Jennifer Robinson | Int. human rights lawyer (represents Julian Assange) and Human Rights Act advocate
Michael Kirby | Int. jurist, human rights advocate and former Aus. High Court judge
Adam Spencer | Comedian, writer and broadcaster
Nazeem Hussain | Comedian, author and presenter
Em. Prof Rosalind Croucher | AHRC President
Dr Anna Cody | Aus. Sex Discrimination Commissioner
Robert Fitzgerald | Aus. Age Discrimination Commissioner
Anne Hollonds | National Children’s Commissioner
Katie Kiss | Aus. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner
Giridharan Sivaraman | Aus. Race Discrimination Commissioner
Lorraine Finlay | Aus. Human Rights Commissioner
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts | ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People Commissioner
Carly Kind | Aus. Privacy Commissioner
Prof. Philip Alston | Lawyer, academic and eminent int. human rights practitioner
Prof. George Williams | Lawyer, academic and Aus. constitutional law expert
Prof. Kristy Muir | Paul Ramsay Foundation CEO
Prof. Kim Rubenstein | Lawyer, academic and human rights advocate
Prof. Toby Walsh | UNSW Chief Scientist
Prof. Nareen Young, Associate Dean Indigenous UTS Business School | First Nations employment and employment diversity leader
Prof. John Tobin | Human/children’s rights academic
Prof. Amanda Third | Children’s participation academic
Assoc. Prof. Sarah Moulds | Human rights lawyer and academic
Dr Geoffery Levey | Political theory and Jewish studies academic
Dr Pichamon Yeophantong | UN Business and Human Rights Working group member
Dr Meg Brodie | KPMG Partner, Human Rights & Social Impact
Kylea Tink | Federal MP (INP)
Rob Hulls | Former Vic Deputy-Premier and Attorney-General and Human Rights Act expert
Caitlin Reiger | Human Rights Law Centre CEO
Tanya Hosch | Business executive, First Nations social activist and AFL D&I Gen. Mngr
Sisonke Msimang | Leading Aus. anti-racism and women’s rights advocate, writer and commentator
Karly Warner | NSW/ACT Aboriginal Legal Service CEO and NATSILS Chair
Daney Faddoul | Human Rights Law Centre Campaign Manager
Dinesh Palipana | Doctor, lawyer and disability advocate
Hannah Diviney | Disability rights advocate
Juliana Nkrumah | Women’s rights and refugee advocate
Val Fell | Advocate for older people
Zahra Al Hilaly | Youth advocate
Natalie Wade | Lawyer and disability advocate
Kate Eastman | Human rights lawyer and academic
Ghassan Kassisieh | LGBTIQ+ rights advocate
Anjali Sharma | Climate change activist and youth advocate
Seleena Blackley | First nations youth advocate
Kupakwashe Matangira | Youth empowerment, gender equality and climate change advocate
Mark Chenery | Common Cause Aus. Director
Gemma Pitcher | Common Cause Aus. Associate
Siobhan Toohill | Westpac Chief Sustainability Officer
Sarah McGrath | Pillar Two Director
Ilona Millar | Gilbert + Tobin Partner, Sustainability
Sam Koslowski | Daily Aus. founder and social change advocacy comms expert
Hannah Ferguson | Cheek media founder and for purpose comms expert
Alan Wu | Racial justice expert
Tasneem Chopra | Diversity and inclusion expert
Zaki Haidari | Refugee advocate
Chris Ronalds | Discrimination lawyer, women’s rights advocate and SDA drafter
Ramona Vijeyarasa | Gender equality academic and advocate
Anna Brown | LGBTIQ+ rights advocate
Samantha Connor | Disability rights advocate
Aisya Zaharin | Transgender rights advocate
Disclaimer: Speakers, panellists and delegates attending the Free + Equal Conference will be expressing a range of views and opinions at the event. The views and opinions are their own and are not necessarily endorsed by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Similarly, any commentary by speakers, panellists or delegates before or after the conference on issues touched on at the conference will not necessarily be endorsed by the Commission. The conference is designed to bring together a range of views on a variety of subjects and the Commission intends to work with all attendees to ensure discussions at the conference are inclusive and respectful.