Vivid Light and Cross Art Form applications for Vivid Sydney 2025 are now closed. 

You can sign up to learn about future Expressions of Interest here.


Sometimes great ideas are hard to pin down. Do you have a creative idea for Vivid Sydney that doesn’t fit neatly into our Light, Music, Food or Ideas pillars but incorporates more than one of these Vivid Sydney elements? We would love to hear from you! Please submit your proposals for consideration by the Curatorial Panel.


To apply you will need to provide the following:

  • CVs for you and your key creative team; A copy of your individual or company credentials and design/work portfolios
  • Personal information, contact and contracting details including your ABN or international equivalent
  • One or more photo-realistic render/s of the proposed activation where technology is the main component (not required if your activation is an event or performance)
  • A brief written description of the proposed creative activation (and if relevant which of our 4 pillars you feel it most closely aligns to)
  • Your track record either as an individual or a team for delivering high quality professional creative activations
  • Proposed talent including a Letter of Interest from talent or their agent
  • How will your event will engage with Vivid Sydney audiences?
  • How the event relates to the 2025 Creative Direction
  • Preliminary technical specifications on your proposed activation where technology is the main component (not required if your activation is an event or performance)
  • A fully itemised project budget (inclusive of design, talent, venue hire, equipment, construction, installation, freight, dismantle etc)


In your EOI please demonstrate how your proposal meets the following criteria:

  1. Creative and artistic merit which showcases bold and innovative design, performance or thought-provoking talent / events that addresses the 2025 creative direction
  2. How your concept incorporates more than one of the Vivid Sydney elements, Light, Music, Ideas or Food
  3. Evidence of your proven track record in delivering creative activations or events to a high standard
  4. Cost-effectiveness, and capacity to deliver within the proposed fee/cost and timeline
  5. Demonstration of commitment to accessible and sustainable practice within the design, manufacture, event planning, delivery, and decommissioning phases of activation

Applicants are required to read the following documents prior to applying: