Psycho Zydeco, or the Psychos as their fans affectionately dub them, have established themselves as the country’s premier roots act specialising...

Psycho Zydeco @ Camelot Lounge (Django Bar)


19 Marrickville Rd
2204 NSW

Camelot Lounge
Psycho Zydeco @ Camelot Lounge (Django Bar)

Event Details

Psycho Zydeco, or the Psychos as their fans affectionately dub them, have established themselves as the country’s premier roots act specialising in the high-energy, uplifting style of music known as zydeco.
This music was originally born in the swamplands and bayou area of Louisiana’s Deep South. The band’s earthy blend of traditional Cajun, blues, and swamp music produces a heady mix of their brand of Zydeco.
Driving washboard, drums, guitar, saxophone, organ, piano and the odd triangle combine with some amazing accordion playing to create music that will make you move.

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