Folk diviner. Dream reviver. Leah Senior silences audiences with her otherworldly presence and unique lyricism. The Melbourne-based folk artist creates...

Leah Senior


80 Commonwealth St
2010 NSW

Golden Age Cinema & Bar
Leah Senior

Event Details

Folk diviner. Dream reviver. Leah Senior silences audiences with her otherworldly presence and unique lyricism. The Melbourne-based folk artist creates fragile but effortlessly nimble melodies that demonstrate a clarity of thought and studied discipline beyond her years.

Her breakthrough 2017 album Pretty Faces pays homage to her folk music idols while hinting towards pop and psychedelic undertones. This is music for quiet, and perhaps patient, people. The blinds are drawn and the songs are covered in a fine layer of dust; yet there is still sunlight peeking through, a sense of humour behind the tragedy.

“Recalling Joni Mitchell playfulness through cozy, folk minimalism…” (Rolling Stone Australia)

Venue closes at 12AM

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.