Robots are leaving factories heading to our homes to clean the floor, help around the house and drive our cars for us. Soon they’ll be a ubiquitous presence...



Victoria Avenue
2067 NSW

Woodie desktop
Woodie mobile

Event Details

Marius Hoggenmueller (Germany) / Luke Hespanhol (Brazil) / Martin Tomitsch (Austria)

Design Lab, The University of Sydney (Australia)

Robots are leaving factories heading to our homes to clean the floor, help around the house and drive our cars for us. Soon they’ll be a ubiquitous presence in our cities. The installation Woodie questions how urban robots can be designed for peaceful cohabitation between humans and machines, one that brings joy and happiness.

Woodie the free-moving robot draws with chalk on the ground using Chatswood’s public space as a large art canvas. The area in which the robot wanders around is illuminated with ultraviolet lights. As Woodie draws with luminescent chalk, the ground comes alive with a stunning visualisation made of glowing words and drawings. The LED light display integrated in his outer shell helps Woodie communicate with passers-by. He can let you know about his creative process, the direction he intends to move, or cheekily complain if someone blocks his path.

The installation combines high-tech and futuristic city designs – in the manifestation of the drawing robot – with a low-tech and traditional form of urban storytelling: chalk drawings on the street.

Woodie showcases his drawing skills in one of the hidden alleys of Chatswood. Find him at Mills Lane, located between The Concourse and Chatswood Chase.

Country represented by installation: Germany

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.