Head on an adventure through Taronga Zoo with Wild Lights, a brand-new illuminated night trail. Created by Wiradjuri artist Nathan Peckham in collaboration...
Wild Lights at Taronga
Bradleys Head Rd
2088 NSW
Event Details
Head on an adventure through Taronga Zoo with Wild Lights, a brand-new illuminated night trail. Created by Wiradjuri artist Nathan Peckham in collaboration with Ample Projects Director Nicholas Tory, this experience transforms Australia’s miraculous wildlife into magical light sculptures, informed by the wisdom, art and knowledge of the oldest continuing culture on the planet.
Be awe-struck by giant versions of native animals like koalas, dingos, kangaroos, emus, platypuses, rendered in intricate and illuminated designs by Nathan. Explore the entire Zoo along the trail, including the new Nura Diya Australia, an area celebrating native flora and fauna and First Nations connection to Country.
Whizz past fields of 'fireflies' and smacks of jellyfish and come face-to-face with larger-than-life interactive insects, from scary-but-magnificent spiders to cidadas, butterflies and more.
This ticketed event will have two sessions each night: 5.30-7.30pm, and 7.30-9.30pm. Don’t miss out – book now.