Enter a collective dreamscape of city-making. Filmic encounters with the city’s past are woven into one of Sydney’s most iconic corridors, The...

We Dream the City


500 Harris Street
2007 NSW

Powerhouse Museum
This is an image of the We Dream the City installation at Vivid Sydney
This is an image of the We Dream the City installation at Vivid Sydney

Event Details

Esem Projects: Michael Killalea (Australia) / Sarah Barns (Australia)

Nigel Cruickshank (Music) / Gary Sinclair (Australia) / Historical Archive and Digitisation Team TfNSW (Australia) / National Film and Sound Archive of Australia

Enter a collective dreamscape of city-making. Filmic encounters with the city’s past are woven into one of Sydney’s most iconic corridors, The Goods Line. Fragments of lost worlds and forgotten faces flicker across the back of the Powerhouse Museum, animating visions of our city streets through time. As you stroll past, the projections become a 130m long meditation on the many ideals, innovations and transformations that have shaped Sydney in its emergence as a modern metropolis. If cities are one of humanity’s greatest inventions, We Dream invites us to reflect on how we are collectively shaping the future of the urban realm. 

We Dream the City is a major new work by Esem Projects, an award-winning creative practice whose work explores the potentials of collaborative digital curation and storytelling in public spaces. The project is informed by in-depth research into major collections including those held by the ABC, the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, the former Maritime Workers Union, the Transport for NSW Historical collection and more.

Country represented by installation: Australia

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Features Audio Features Audio - The event features audio.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.