Pick up a brush, stamp or spray, and make your mark with Waterlight Graffiti - no paint required! Inspired by the practice of 'dishu' in China, where artists...
Waterlight Graffiti
2000 NSW
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Event Details
Pick up a brush, stamp or spray, and make your mark with Waterlight Graffiti - no paint required! Inspired by the practice of 'dishu' in China, where artists paint ephemeral but elaborate water calligraphies on the ground that evaporate and disappear completely, Antonin Fourneau created a new technology, a moisture-responsive LED board.
Part dishu, part 'Etch A Sketch', Waterlight Graffiti is a large electronic blackboard that you can 'paint' with water, each stroke immediately transforming into light. Unleash your inner artist, or just have a scribble - whatever your creation, it'll shine bright for minutes, before it fades to make way for a new 'layer' of graffiti.
Country represented by installation: France