All aboard Voiture 21, where there’s no ticket needed to travel Australia and the world. Dreamlike landscapes flicker by, projected on the walls of the...

Voiture 21


Goods Line Tunnel

Voiture 21
Voiture 21

Artist Details

Milosh Luczynski

Milosh Luczynski is a Polish visual artist and performer based in Paris. A pioneer of Vjing in the mid ‘90s, he has collaborated with countless electronic musicians, composers, poets and media artists, and has performed and displayed his works across the globe, exhibiting at the likes of the Palais de Tokyo, Kunsthause Baselland, Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, National Gallery Singapore and more.

Event Details

All aboard Voiture 21, where there’s no ticket needed to travel Australia and the world. Dreamlike landscapes flicker by, projected on the walls of the abandoned tunnel at the end of The Goods Line. All of the footage is taken from the artist's own travels with new footage filmed in Sydney and the Blue Mountains and surrounds, encouraging us to think about our own travels and where we're travelling to. But for now, with no destination, simply take in the view and daydream as you speed past busy cities, empty beaches, snowy mountains and more.

Filmed on location at Gibraltar Range National Park, Warrumbungle National park (Siding Spring Observatory), Wollemi National park, Blue Mountains National Park, Goolawah National Park, Washpool National Park, Hat Head National Park, Crowdy Bay National Park, Toorale National Park, Gundabooka National Park, Mount Kaputar National Park and Coolah Tops National Park. No environmental damage was incurred on location.The conservation values of the areas have been preserved.

Sound: Piotr Madej and Milosh Luczynski
Featuring voice: Sally Rodgers (A Man Called Adam
Creative producer: Luz Mando

Country represented by installation: France

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Features Audio Features Audio - The event features audio.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.