For aeons, the circle has been revered as a symbol of endless life and equilibrium. Pythagoras declared it a perfect shape and a symbol of 'Monad' - a...



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Artist Details

Anastasia Isachsen

Anastasia Isachsen

Anastasia Isachsen creates video and light art for various cultural projects: installations, concerts, dance performances and theatre.

She is also a curator specializing in light, digital and video art. She produces light art projects in Norway and internationally.

Through her Fjord Studio, Anastasia is a founder and creative director of a light art festival in Norway – Fjord Oslo.

Event Details

For aeons, the circle has been revered as a symbol of endless life and equilibrium. Pythagoras declared it a perfect shape and a symbol of 'Monad' - a divine, all-encompassing force.

Projected onto a mist of water from a series of jets, Monad floats as a 3D display mid-air. These awe-inspiring technics help conjure a sense of wonder at nature and the ongoing rhythm of the universe.

As a philosophical concept, Monad has been widely influential – it was adapted from Greek philosophy by some of the great thinkers of the modern era and had held multiple meanings for humanity for centuries. This work brings the concept into 2023, creating a moment of stillness and reflection for us to ponder the bigger picture we’re all part of.

Country represented by installation: Norway

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Features Audio Features Audio - The event features audio.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.