Artists: Steensen Varming (Emrah Baki Ulas) Country: Australia A Light Year Ahead lifts would-be space travellers from the surface of the Earth and...

A Light Year Ahead


Cleland Bond
2000 NSW

A starscape fills the walls of a small room. Mirrored in the roof and floor, the stars, galaxies and planets stream past as if the room’s occupants are travelling through outer space.

Event Details

Artists: Steensen Varming (Emrah Baki Ulas)
Country: Australia

A Light Year Ahead lifts would-be space travellers from the surface of the Earth and into space, via the vertical thrusts of a ‘space elevator’.

The installation simulates the sensation of space travel through moving spatial high-definition images, a mirrored floor and ceiling, and screen walls lit by high-definition projections. A futuristic soundscape adds to the space odyssey.

The work is dedicated to the UNESCO 2015 ‘International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies’ and transports participants A Light Year Ahead.