Artists: BBC Earth, Spinifex Group Country: United Kingdom, AustraliaBBC Earth's Life Story installation features the flowing natural imagery...

Life Story


Argyle Street
2000 NSW

Detailed bands of colourful feathers, scales and fur intertwine in a luminous projection arching across the tunnel roof of Argyle Cut.

Event Details

Artists: BBC Earth, Spinifex Group 

Country: United Kingdom, Australia

BBC Earth's Life Story installation features the flowing natural imagery of bird, marine and animal life originally filmed by the BBC Natural History Unit for its epic television series Life Story.

The six-part series is introduced and narrated by Sir David Attenborough and follows the journey of life, beginning with infant animals’ ‘First Steps’ and moving through the pains of ‘Growing Up’, the struggle to find and defend a ‘Home’, the inevitable battles and implications of ‘Power’, the unfathomable mysteries of ‘Courtship’ and the pressure and ultimate reward of ‘Parenthood’.

Life Story was shot over a four-year period in ultra-high definition, and the cinematographers used immersive cinematic techniques to reveal animals in their own worlds. The result is a series that contains some of the most powerful images of the natural world ever captured on film.

The BBC Earth's Life Story installation transforms the vaulted roof of the Argyle Cut with projected ‘fractals’ which create a vast, never-ending pattern of textures, colours and intertwined shapes. It explores themes of birth and life in one continual and seamless projection, perfectly framed by the cavernous rock surface of the Cut.

Lights on for Life Story will take place at 7pm on weeknights and 6pm on weekends and the public holiday.


BBC Earth is a trade mark of the British Broadcasting Corporation and is used under licence. BBC Earth logo © BBC 2008 Licensed by BBC Worldwide Australia Pty Limited. 

Humpback whale footage courtesy of the Hawaiian Whale Research Foundation.

