Artists: The Propaganda Mill (Daniel Thomas /Patrick Shirley / Rafael Gomez / Benjamin Donnelly)Country: AustraliaINTER/play transforms historic Cadmans...



Cadmans Cottage
2000 NSW

On the cottage’s flat façade, a range of vibrant patterns interact with passers-by. Luminous sparks and streams flow between fiery balls of glowing colour. Silhouetted in white, participants throw blue trails across a storm of red.

Event Details

Artists: The Propaganda Mill (Daniel Thomas /Patrick Shirley / Rafael Gomez / Benjamin Donnelly)

Country: Australia

INTER/play transforms historic Cadmans Cottage into a magical environment by using the architecture of the building as a canvas and light as a material. Instead of being pre-rendered, the graphics projected onto and into the cottage evolve in real-time and are ‘sculpted’ through the movement and interactions of spectators, people passing by or those drawn into the cottage itself. The full width of the building is monitored using 3D depth-camera analysis, and a live digital map is created of each person in the vicinity. Movement and reactions are captured, and the dynamic custom-built software then analyses and responds to the audience to produce the projected graphics. Each creation is utterly unique. Propaganda Mill is a design company exploring technologies to create experiences. They are specialists in developing interactive projection graphics for people and spaces, with substantial expertise in both large and small event-based performances and permanent commercial installs. Their technical capability has permitted them to work on a range of projection projects nationally and internationally.

Projection Technology and Mapping Design by TDC

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