Standing alone in the dark, these four-metre streetlights keep their lamp shade-like head closed. But as you approach, they come alive. Bending towards...
The Promenade
Lime Street
2000 NSW
Artist Detail
Event Details
Standing alone in the dark, these four-metre streetlights keep their lamp shade-like head closed. But as you approach, they come alive.
Bending towards you and slowly 'blooming', they light up and open more the closer you get, excited by your presence. The work transforms a common urban sight – a motion-centred light – into a friendly local personality eager to say hello. As you walk away, the lights gradually return to their upright resting position, closing its bloom and dimming its light once more.
Inspired by the mesmerising motion of grass in the wind, this artwork reimagines urban design and the cityscape as a curious, reactive force – one that inspires us to be curious and playful, too.
Country represented by installation: The Netherlands