Alien Visitor is a sensory experience that enables musicians of all abilities to collaborate and create sound in a stimulating environment. Come and join...

Alien Visitor: Tumbalong Lights Inclusive playSPACE


Tumbalong Park

 Image. A small dome, medium dome and a big dome form the layered body of a strange creature. Two stalk eyes protrude from the small dome, and long legs and a central stem curve from the base of the large dome. In response to visitors’ gestures, the creature beeps, chirrups and glows with playful designs.Vivid Sydney 2019 - Alien Visitor

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.

Event Details

Kieran Kenny (Australia) / Jonathan Nix (Australia)

Alien Visitor is a sensory experience that enables musicians of all abilities to collaborate and create sound in a stimulating environment. Come and join in the fun, whether it’s jamming out a solo on an invisible beam or triggering drum loops with your head. There are as many ways to make music as there are types of people.

At six metres tall, Alien Visitor is an unmissable organic alien object that responds to simple gestural commands with beautiful sound and light experiences. With blinks, bleeps and extra-terrestrial signals, it invites exploration by groups of visitors simultaneously.

The installation is centrally located within Tumbalong Lights and provides 360 degree access and interaction. Visitors can join, play and leave as they choose, involving family, friends, carers and other guests to contribute their own chords in an ever changing musical composition.

The designers aim to ensure that the full range of Alien Visitor experiences is accessible to all users, no matter their degree of ability. They believe that music and art are essential to the human experience, and through appropriate use of technology they enable everyone to take part and share in the delight that transpires beyond words and conscious thought.

Download the Tumbalong Lights Social Story, prepared by Autism Awareness Australia

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Audio Description

Access and Inclusion

  • Audio Described - Audio description is a service provided for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Trained audio describers give live, objective, verbal descriptions.
  • Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
