What should we talk about at Vivid Ideas? That’s the question we asked ourselves.In a world where we're so connected, our digital trail leaves...

Your data built our presentation


140 George St
2000 NSW


Jasper Sadubin

Jasper Sadubin

Director of Social & Innovation at OMD Create

Jasper works at OMD Create as the director of Social & Innovation, specialising in leveraging social media channels to reach audiences with meaningful content that inspires action. Drawing on a wealth of owned and audience data to produce content and technology-led solutions, Jasper loves ensuring that brands add value to people’s lives.

Katy Eng

Katy Eng

Katy works at OMD Create as director of content strategy, with experience spanning New York and Sydney helping global brands use data to create and distribute content that people care about. With a team consisting of a data analyst and SEO content specialist, she helps clients strategise and ideate content solutions using real, quantifiable data inputs.

Event Details

What should we talk about at Vivid Ideas? That’s the question we asked ourselves.

In a world where we're so connected, our digital trail leaves hints and clues everywhere, ready and waiting for a curious soul to find them. We knew we wanted to talk about using data to guide creativity, but we needed a specific topic focus on.

What better than to look at Vivid itself?!

From every social media mention, every search, and everything you browse, we can build an intricate picture of what really matters and inspires you about the event.

We believe that data can and should inform every business decision, especially the decisions traditionally reserved as the realm of gut-feel creativity. The opportunity is to put that data to work, make it useful and better connect with your audience.