The year is 2050. Unrestrained use of fossil fuels, single-use plastics and natural resources has led to an uncertain future for our planet and society...

Way Finders: The Future is in Your Hands


The Great Hall, Level 5, Tower Building
2007 NSW

Vivid Ideas Exchange - UTS, The Great Hall
Way Finders: The Future is in Your Hands
Way Finders: The Future is in Your Hands


Dr Laura Tuohilampi

Dr Laura Tuohilampi

Dr Laura Tuohilampi is a mathematics education researcher, an in-service teacher trainer and the founder of Math Hunger and Maths for Humans. Passionate about shifting mindsets to view maths as positive, engaging and achievable, her work explores practices that innovate and inspire traditional teaching methods to evolve with students’ learning habits. She has been awarded the Leader of the Future Award for her work in making mathematics learning more inclusive. Her dissertation was awarded The Best Didactical Thesis of the Year Award in Finland in 2017. Her research focuses on affect, engagement and the social and contextual aspects of learning mathematics. The international version of her book Math Hunger will be published in 2021.

Neville Williams Boney

Neville Williams Boney

Neville Williams Boney, a proud Wiradjuri Weilwan man, is an independent First Nations artist based in Sydney. Working as an educator, director and dancer, Neville has created a series of captivating shows, including BRUTAL, an indigenous adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Luke Steller

Luke Steller

Luke Steller is a science communicator and PhD student at the Australian Centre for Astrobiology, UNSW. His research focuses on understanding how life formed on Earth, through studying ancient and modern hot springs. Luke communicates his science through a range of mediums, including on ABC’s Catalyst, writing for The Conversation, and being a finalist in the university wide 3 Minute Thesis competition.

Luke is also the co-founder and director of Praxical, a collective of emerging science communicators and creatives focused empowering everyday people in the process of science. Through Praxical Luke has organised and facilitated a range of events, including National Science Week online workshop series attracting over 1000 participants from 26 countries, and a 6-week science immersive course for Hope Street Youth Centre.

Event Details

The year is 2050. Unrestrained use of fossil fuels, single-use plastics and natural resources has led to an uncertain future for our planet and society. We’re calling on today’s brightest young thinkers to decide the future of planet Earth and its populations.

Join us on an interactive choose-your-own adventure and create your path towards a brighter future. The Way Finders: Choose Your 2050 mission is to empower today’s kids with the knowledge they need to build a healthy, thriving planet with sustainable technology.

2022 signifies a moment of truth, a pivotal point in history where we have potential to reverse the damage and help restore the planet so it can thrive and prosper for generations to come. The question is: are today's kids equipped with the knowledge needed to make the right decisions?

Get ready for a brave experiment: 2050’s citizens will use time travel to bring a group of inspired young leaders from 2022 to their future world to educate them about the urgent need to control humanity’s footprint and embrace sustainable technology, in order to save everyone’s future.

See UTS’ Great Hall transformed into a participant-led futuristic wonderland. This immersive, light-filled exploration of the future is where our next generation thinkers can experience how energy and technology have the potential to change life on Earth. Through real time polling and interactive games, our explorers actively shape this two-hour journey as they choose their own adventure. It also gives them a first-hand experience of the power of democracy through collective problem solving and decision making.

This curriculum-aligned experience is perfect for students in Stage 3 (Years 5-6), empowering them with the knowledge they need to be engaged future citizens. Built around the pioneering research from UNSW’s Digital Grid Futures Institute, this event explores the Internet of Energy; demonstrating how innovative designs and interconnected technology can produce the smart communities, green transportation and energy storage of the future.

Presented in association with the creative educators at Maths Hunger, Praxical and Sydney Experimental Arts Ensemble, and supported by the UNSW Digital Grid Futures Institute.

Access and Inclusion

  • Companion Card Acceptance Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.
  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.