From accelerating tech innovation and the drive to connect the next billion people, to mounting concerns about data privacy and political manipulation...

The Impending Internet Revolution


Level 6 Terrace Entrance (Circular Quay West Side)
2000 NSW



Simon Kemp

Simon Kemp

Founder, Kepios

Simon Kemp is a global thought leader in digital marketing, and an active marketing consultant and practitioner. He has developed brand and marketing strategies for many of the world’s most admired companies, including Unilever, Google, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and Diageo. His marketing books, guides, and reports have been read by millions of people in more than 100 countries around the world, and he appears regularly on television and in the press to discuss digital and social media, brands, and marketing strategy. Simon is the founder of Kepios, a marketing strategy consultancy, as well as the Global Consultant for We Are Social, and Head of Asia Pacific for Contagious’s consulting division, Insider.

Suzie Shaw

Suzie Shaw

Managing Director, We Are Social

Suzie Shaw is Managing Director of socially-led creative agency, We Are Social, heading up its 35-strong Australian team. A strategic and creative thinker with more than 20 years communications and marketing experience in both Australia and the UK, Suzie has worked with global powerhouse brands including Netflix, Adidas, BBC, Sky TV and Coca-Cola. Suzie is a regular commentator in the Australian media and frequently participates in conferences on social and digital marketing as well as being a prominent advocate for women in leadership, having founded SWIMM (Senior Women in Media and Marketing) in Australia in 2011.

Event Details

From accelerating tech innovation and the drive to connect the next billion people, to mounting concerns about data privacy and political manipulation, all the signs point to an imminent reinvention of the internet. This revolution will deliver significant benefits to individuals and society, but marketing will need to adapt quickly if brands are to remain relevant in this brave new world.

Developments such as voice control and image search will make the internet more accessible for everyone but will also dramatically change the ways in which people use even the most basic of internet functionality – from hyperlinks, to search, to shopping. Meanwhile, as people move more and more of their daily activities online, the need for greater privacy protection becomes increasingly important.

We can also expect a wave of new services to bring the power of AI to everyday life. Films like Her and Ex Machina have offered a dystopian view of personal assistants, yet it seems almost inevitable that we’ll soon rely on these tools to turn our houses into homes, to get from A to B, and to find, choose, and buy brands, and it won’t be long before artificial creativity, artificial imagination, and perhaps even artificial sentience become a normal part of our world.

What does all of this mean for you? Join us to explore how these trends will impact our daily lives and how brands and marketing must evolve in order to survive and thrive in this exciting digital future.

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.