Juggling multiple jobs to support your creative practice? You’re amongst friends here! Slashies! is your go-to panel-slash-support group for creative...



The Great Hall, Level 5, Tower Building
2007 NSW

Vivid Ideas Exchange - UTS, The Great Hall


Dr Kate Smith

Dr Kate Smith

Dr Kate Smith is a comedic performer, creative producer and published academic whose arts practice has evolved from stand-up to playwriting to cross-sector community arts practice to creative mentoring. She received the NSW Creative Development Fellowship in 2019 in recognition of her outstanding work in the creative industry. She also teaches yoga!

Travis de Vries

Travis de Vries

Travis de Vries is a Gamilaroi man. He specialises in the delivery of culturally diverse projects and events across venues and artistic disciplines. He is a visual artist, a photographer, a writer and a creator. He also made the podcast and live show Broriginals with his brother Texas.

Chika Ikogwe

Chika Ikogwe

Chika Ikogwe is an Nigerian-Australian Actor and Writer, and proud recipient of the Rose Byrne Scholarship. Chika co-wrote THE HOUSE AT BOUNDARY ROAD LIVERPOOL, and has works in development including web series JUST CHIDI THINGS. Chika has performed in plays such as FANGIRLS and THE WOLVES, and the ABC’s MIKKI VS THE WORLD.

Jeff McCann

Jeff McCann

Jeff McCann is a multidisciplinary creative whose work ranges from community engagement projects, public art, workshops and collaborations to illustration, props and fashion. Their practice strives to create inclusive work that encourages their audience to get involved and have some fun!

Event Details

Juggling multiple jobs to support your creative practice? You’re amongst friends here! Slashies! is your go-to panel-slash-support group for creative professionals pursuing more than one avenue of work. Meet maestros-of-multiple-hats as they discuss their peripatetic careers and discover the innovations that can help you manage the business challenges so you can live your best #slashlife.

Artists have long supported their creative practice by holding down a second or third job, and a ‘portfolio career’ is nothing new for freelancers, however it’s time to lift the lid on the realities of a ‘slashie’ life. Is this juggle a passionate journey towards multi-skilled creative and financial fulfilment? Is it a life of business bewilderment and financial exploitation where you're destined for burnout? Or is it both?

Come along for the chance to meet, talk and learn from each other as we share the honest stories of expert ‘slashies’ about how they juggle their own careers, navigate the pitfalls and celebrate the benefits. You’ll also meet experts from the world of creative business and arts enterprise, and receive extra resources and support to help ‘slashies’ continue onto entrepreneurial success.

Slashies in the arts rarely have a chance to talk together about the challenges they face, or the tricks and tips that help them live their best #slashlife. If the ‘gig economy’ and the portfolio career are here to stay, slashies need to work together to ensure they survive and thrive on their pioneering paths.

This event is funded by the NSW Government’s Business Connect program.

Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised NSW Government program that provides trusted advice to help you start, run, adapt or grow your small business.

Access and Inclusion

  • Auslan Interpreted Auslan Interpreted - Auslan interpreted events are for audiences who are Deaf and use Australian Sign Language (Auslan) as their primary means of communication. Experienced Auslan theatre interpreters stand to the side of the stage and translate what the speakers are saying or Auslan signing the text and dialogue live. Audiences requiring this service are seated in the section closest to the interpreter to ensure good sightlines.
  • Companion Card Acceptance Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.
  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.

