KJR presents 'Quality, Velocity and Resilience: getting the best from startup culture and enterprise experience.' The reality of digital disruption is...
Quality, Velocity and Resilience: Getting the Best from Startup Culture and Enterprise Experience
Vivid Ideas Exchange
2000 NSW
Event Details
KJR presents 'Quality, Velocity and Resilience: getting the best from startup culture and enterprise experience.'
The reality of digital disruption is that every business is becoming a software business. While existing enterprises scramble to adapt, startups struggle to survive. The robustness of a disciplined enterprise-scale software process doesn’t stop you becoming irrelevant. Failing fast may help you discover exactly what your customers really want, but velocity is no substitute for quality when customers expect your great idea to actually work.
Enterprises and startups can learn from each other’s understanding of when to embrace risk and when to mitigate against it. Join a panel of industry experts from both sides of the startup/enterprise divide as they explore the realities behind building resilient IT-based businesses, where a culture of quality is the key to speed and survival.
This is a great opportunity to interact with thought-provoking industry professionals, to ask those burning questions and work with them to overcome challenges you may be facing in your current organisation.
A key session for small digital innovators and enterprise teams alike.