In collaboration with Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, VOX, WNYC Public Radio New York and BBC’s audio research division, the Australian Film Television...
Precipice Launch Event
The Entertainment Quarter
2021 NSW
Event Details
In collaboration with Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, VOX, WNYC Public Radio New York and BBC’s audio research division, the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) is proud to present Precipice, a 3D audio narrative podcast created using innovative binaural recording methods.
On June 1st, join CEO of AFTRS Neil Peplow and international guest speakers for a Q&A in the main theatre to find out how Precipice creators have pushed the boundaries of technology and deeply embedded the binaural experience within the podcast storytelling medium. The evening will include a special performance by the Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, VOX, led by Music Director, VOX, Elizabeth Scott.
This event is free with registration. The main theatre discussion will be streamed into the AFTRS foyer, so all are welcome even if theatre seats are full.
Please note: Tickets to the Precipice studio experience itself are available for purchase at the Vivid event's main page. There is an additional binaural tech demonstration and installation which is open and free to all.
Event Opens: 6pm
Choir Performance: 6.30pm
Main Theatre Q&A: 7.00pm
Social Gathering: 8.00pm
Event Closes: 9.30pm