This is an invitation only event.From Page to Screen is an event for producers and publishers to share the stories that could make the next great screen...

From Page To Screen


Museum of Contemporary Art
2000 NSW

From Page to Screen

Event Details

This is an invitation only event.

From Page to Screen is an event for producers and publishers to share the stories that could make the next great screen project.

Many of Australias most successful TV dramas and documentaries have started as literary works and biographies. What are the creative challenges of adaptation and how do you go about optioning a published work?

Find out how publishers see the landscape and to hear about a few of the titles on offer at From Page to Screen. This is also a chance to start a conversation about what filmmakers think translates well in terms of audiences, financing and budgets.

Hosted by Sydney City of Film, via Screen NSW together with the Australian Publishers Association and Screen Producers Australia, this event is ideal for creative practitioners looking for good literary stories to adapt to screen and to make connections with publishers.

The catered event will include a panel chaired by Sandy George, including:

Michael Petroni. Screen Play Writer (The Book Thief, The Chronicles of Narnia)

Imogen Banks. Producer and Writer (Puberty Blues, Offspring)

Debbie Lee. Producer (The Family Law, Glitch, Upper Middle Bogan)

Tommy Murphy. Play Wright (Holding the Man, The Sapphires)

The session will be followed by “speed dating” between publishers and producers.