Join Maggie Beer AO in a vital discussion about what a good meal with great company can do. The veteran chef, author, restaurateur and providore is continuing...

Nourishing Health


Level 2, 400 George Street
2000 NSW

Vivid Ideas Exchange - Telstra Customer Insight Centre
Maggie Beer
Maggie Beer

Event Details

Join Maggie Beer AO in a vital discussion about what a good meal with great company can do. The veteran chef, author, restaurateur and providore is continuing to revolutionise our relationship with food with The Maggie Beer Foundation, a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for current and future generations of older people through food. 

Maggie will chat to researchers and advocates from SPHERE's (the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise) Knowledge Translation [KT] platform about food’s ability to provide not just physical nourishment but mental wellbeing and a sense of community. Together, they'll unpack what makes a good meal, discuss where aged care cuisine is failing, and how physical and mental issues around ageing could be solved with a better approach to eating. This is a call to action for anyone who wants to join the Foundation's revolution, and for those who know the joy and value of coming together over a meal.

All proceeds will be donated to The Maggie Beer Foundation, whose mission is to inspire older Australians and those that support them to prepare and enjoy healthy, tasty food. This event is presented by SPHERE KT.

This event is part of Vivid Ideas' Human Nature series. Challenge the 'natural' ways of thinking, and explore the emerging new normals across sex, relationships, body politics, travel and more.

Access and Inclusion

  • Companion Card Acceptance Companion Card Acceptance - The Companion Card is for people with a significant permanent disability, who always need a companion to provide attendant care type support in order to participate at most available community venues and activities.
  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.