In the next two years, blockchain and similar technologies will forever alter the way transactions occur, the way we store and share data, the way we track...

New Kid on the Blockchain


The Rocks 2000


Chris Monk

Chris Monk

Head of Region (Asia Pacific) - Decoded

Chris is an economist by training, banker and entrepreneur by background and educator by passion. He runs Decoded's business across Asia Pacific, based out of Sydney. Chris has experience in working with some of the world's largest organisations to deliver technical demystification and education.

Chris started his career building software in the city before leaving that world to create his own event delivery business while continuing to freelance as a developer and a data analyst. Four years ago he joined Decoded in London and realised he had found his vocation, combining his geeky enthusiasm for all things technical with the privilege of sharing his knowledge with the world.

Victoria Shillingford

Project Manager - Decoded

Victoria started her career in the fashion industry, working in buying. Then, as a technical designer, she discovered the world of coding and technology. The similarities of creativity and logical thinking in both fashion and development led her to the award-winning business Decoded — the home of digital enlightenment. Victoria now works cross-functionally to bring successful digital transformation to some of the world's largest organisations and is a secret VR ninja by night.

Event Details

In the next two years, blockchain and similar technologies will forever alter the way transactions occur, the way we store and share data, the way we track the provenance of goods and the way in which we manage supply chains.

While many industries already trade electronically in seemingly smooth marketplaces from finance to advertising and mining to farming, the back-office processes are still overwhelmingly manual. Make way for the brave new world where blockchain technologies will replace old-fangled ways with smart contracts and automatic fulfilment and payment processes.

Distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies have applications far beyond their most famous example — Bitcoin — though they are not yet widely understood. Knowing the hows and whys will put you ahead of the game as automated transactions go mainstream.

Join the Decoded team as we explore the mindset behind blockchain, have a deep look at hashing and dive into the beauty of blockchain to explain how it works and why it will change your industry and our futures.

Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
  • Hearing Loop Hearing Loop - A hearing loop (sometimes called an audio induction loop) is a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids. The hearing loop provides a magnetic, wireless signal that is picked up by the hearing aid when it is set to 'T' (Telecoil) setting. Many venues have an induction hearing loop system. Check if your venue has this system.