THE UNDERBELLY EXPERIENCEDeborah Locke was a gutsy young city detective who began her career in 1984, working in the Kings Cross Drug Squad. Deborah witnessed...
Kings Bloody Cross: The Underbelly Experience
The World Bar
2011 NSW
Event Details
Deborah Locke was a gutsy young city detective who began her career in 1984, working in the Kings Cross Drug Squad. Deborah witnessed widespread police corruption and bribery, involving crooked detectives associating freely with colourful members of Sydney's underworld.
On her way to work, the prostitutes on Darlinghurst Road would tell her "I've already paid Sergeant so-and-so careful of the blokes you are working with" an understatment which later led to Deborah risking her life to expose police corruption. Her best selling book Watching the Detectives, inspired Nine's television drama Underbelly: The Golden Mile.
Join Kate McClymont as he interviews Author Deborah Locke and Writer-Producer Greg Haddrick of Underbelly: The Golden Mile.
Host: Kate McClymont
Guest: Deborah Locke and Greg Haddrick
For more details visit
This session is part of a curated season of raw and riveting 'in conversation' events featuring Kings Cross luminaries. Rub shoulders with artists, idealists and opportunists and hear fascinating stories about 'ungentrified' Sydney — the heady days of rock 'n' roll, free love, corruption, opportunity, sex and politics during the twentieth century. Presented over three weekends, Kings Bloody Cross will engage audiences with thrilling insight into the dirty half mile's people, bohemia and place.
Curated by Olivia Ansell.
Presented by Live Ideas and Working Management.