Game Changer Series: Spike Lee on Films, Politics and Race


483 George St
2000 NSW

Sydney Town Hall
Game Changer Series: Spike Lee on Films, Politics and Race
Game Changer Series: Spike Lee on Films, Politics and Race


Spike Lee - Vivid Sydney 2019

Spike Lee

Director / Producer

The son of jazz composer Bill Lee, Shelton ‘Spike’ Lee (born 20 March 1957 in Atlanta, Georgia) is the Academy Award nominated African-American filmmaker renowned for his uncompromising, provocative approach to controversial subject matter. Spike Lee’s films play a critical role in challenging the status quo around race and representation. Racial and class inequality, gang culture, urban crime and violence, family affairs and sexuality are all examined through his lens to memorable effect.

Rhoda Roberts

Rhoda Roberts

Rhoda Roberts AO is an inspirational force in the Australian arts scene renowned as a festival director, creative director, broadcaster, actor and filmmaker. In her 40 year career, this widjabul woman from the Bundjalung territories has made an invaluable contribution to arts leadership, community advocacy and the promotion of contemporary indigenous culture.

Event Details

How well do you know Spike Lee? You know his films. She’s Gotta Have It (1986 and the 2017 Netflix Original TV series), Do the Right Thing (1989) and Jungle Fever (1991) to Malcolm X (1992) and Inside Man (2006), the African-American director, producer, writer and actor is a trailblazer of contemporary cinema and he continues to cross cultural divides with each project. Spike’s 2018 hit BlacKkKlansman – the almost unbelievable true story of a black police detective infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan – achieved both critical and popular acclaim. This journey into “white America’s heart of darkness” (New York Times) won the Grand Prix du Jury at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, was nominated for both Best Picture and Best Director at the 2019 Academy Awards® and won the Oscar® for Best Adapted Screenplay. 

Spanning a 40 year career, Spike’s films are a potent cocktail of racial tension, urban violence and controversy sparked with comedy. As an oeuvre, they make as much of a contribution to politics as to pop culture. Few directors in possession of such daring cross-over into the mainstream. Fewer still attain cult status. 
In this Vivid Ideas exclusive, which also marks his first time in Australia, Spike Lee reveals his celebrated body of work and personal views in conversation with Rhoda Roberts AO, one of Australia’s leading arts and festival producers, TV and radio journalist and currently the Head of Indigenous Programming at the Sydney Opera House. With his trademark wicked humour, hear him talk candidly and with authority about issues of race in the media and Hollywood. Most of all, imagine what you can do with his insights on film-making that takes the message far beyond the screen into popular consciousness.  

Access and Inclusion

  • Auslan Interpreted Auslan Interpreted - Auslan interpreted events are for audiences who are Deaf and use Australian Sign Language (Auslan) as their primary means of communication. Experienced Auslan theatre interpreters stand to the side of the stage and translate what the speakers are saying or Auslan signing the text and dialogue live. Audiences requiring this service are seated in the section closest to the interpreter to ensure good sightlines.
  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.