Future Abstract is an art exhibition curated by Willoughby City Council that explores the impact of technology on the genre of abstract...

Future Abstract


Art Space on The Concourse
409 Victoria Avenue
2067 NSW

Future Abstract

Event Details

Future Abstract is an art exhibition curated by Willoughby City Council that explores the impact of technology on the genre of abstract art.

In the second decade of the 21stcentury, there seems to have been a resurgence of abstraction within contemporary art. While what is driving this renewed focus since the global financial crisis is not fully understood, it is perceived to be as significant as the 20thcentury avant-garde eras of abstraction.

Thematically, the curators perceive that, like representational art, abstraction will continue to revive itself again and again. The exhibition explores how technology is already impacting and redirecting abstraction's traditional expressions within the disciplines of painting and sculpture. 

Future Abstract presents artworks that form abstract compositions and those created using new technologies. Where abstraction's invention was the final step in the flattening of the picture plane within early Modernist European art history, the artworks in Future Abstract move away from the canvas and explore how line, tone, colour, shape, movement, pattern and texture can impact the space beyond the 'object' and exist within new materialities, kinetic movement and the fourth dimension.

Artists exhibiting within Future Abstract include Artists: Louise Allerton, Tom Loveday, Wade Marynowsky, Gordon Monro, Adi O’Hara, Naomi Oliver, Grant Stewart, tranSTURM (Chris Bowman, Holger Deuter, Rachael Priddel and Rachel Walls) and Susannah Williams.