As Guardian Australia celebrates its 10th anniversary, join Full Story host Laura Murphy-Oates, climate and environment editor Adam Morton for a live...

Full Story


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Full Story


Adam Morton

Adam Morton

Adam is Guardian Australia’s climate and environment editor. He has reported on environmental issues for The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Nature and the BBC, and is the co-founder of Tasmanian Inquirer.

Laura Murphy-Oates

Laura Murphy-Oates

Host of Guardian Australia's daily news podcast, Full Story, Laura Murphy-Oates is a Ngiyampaa Weilwan woman. Previously she worked at SBS and NITV, most recently as a presenter and producer at The Feed on SBS VICELAND. She was the 2018 Walkley’s young journalist of the year.

Dr Denis Rose

Dr Denis Rose

Denis Rose is a Gunditjmara man and lives in Portland Victoria. He has had a long involvement in Aboriginal land and cultural heritage management. Denis led the first ever Australian Indigenous-led World Heritage nomination for the Budj Bim cultural landscape in Western Victoria. The Budj Bim lava flow has outstanding Aboriginal cultural heritage values including the world’s most ancient aquaculture sites. Denis was the Chief Executive Officer with Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation in Heywood from 2002 until 2010. From 1995 until 2002 Denis was involved in the development of Australia’s Indigenous Protected Areas Program which assisted Aboriginal people throughout Australia to achieve greater control and management of their traditional lands. Denis is currently the Chair of Country Needs People and continues to be an active leader and contributor to community and national public good through his promotion of Indigenous land and sea management and partnerships in Australia and International forums.

David Pocock

David Pocock

David Pocock is an Independent senator for the ACT. He is a former captain of the Australian Rugby Union team, the Wallabies, and a long-time campaigner for climate change action in Australia.

Felicity Wade

Felicity Wade

Felicity Wade is a lifelong climate and environment advocate. She ran the Wilderness Society in NSW for over a decade and has worked in responsible investment and government. She currently works for Washington DC based think-tank, World Resources Institute supporting forest protection in the region and leads the Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN). LEAN is the internal climate and environment lobby within the Labor party that works to deliver policy ambition by giving a voice to ALP members.

Event Details

As Guardian Australia celebrates its 10th anniversary, join Full Story host Laura Murphy-Oates, climate and environment editor Adam Morton for a live podcast recording examining the state of Australia's natural environment and what is really required over the next decade to arrest its decline. They'll be joined by Gunditjmara man Dr Denis Rose, who has a long history in Aboriginal land and cultural heritage management, ACT Senator David Pocock, and lifelong climate and environment advocate Felicity Wade.

For this live episode, Laura, Adam and the panel of experts examine the findings and response to a 2022 state of the environment report that found, among many other alarming takeaways, that we have one of the highest rates of species decline in the developed world. In response, the Federal Government set a zero-extinctions target for the country’s flora and fauna, part of a broader 10-year environmental plan. But with almost 2,000 species listed as threatened, is this plan enough to halt our extinction crisis?

Since 2019, Full Story has gone beyond the headlines each weekday as Guardian journalists report on Australia and the world’s biggest stories, so you can find out where they started, what happened and what they mean for you.

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