In 2016, designer, writer and filmmaker Pete Majarich challenged himself to a unique creative project, to design a movie poster every day for...

Designing Something Everyday


80 Commonwealth St
2010 NSW

Golden Age Cinema & Bar


Pete Majarich

Pete Majarich

Designer, filmmaker, writer

Pete Majarich is a Sydney-based designer, filmmaker and writer. His advertising work (both here and internationally) has garnered awards at D&AD, Cannes, The Clios and Australia’s AWARD show. He is a former runner-up Sydney Morning Herald Designer of the Year.

Event Details

In 2016, designer, writer and filmmaker Pete Majarich challenged himself to a unique creative project, to design a movie poster every day for an entire year. The resulting output - - connected him to film and design fans all over the world, and garnered press from the likes of WiredFast Company and Mashable as well as kudos from organisations such as Adobe and The Academy of Motion Pictures

In Designing Something Every Day, Pete takes audiences through the highlights and lowlights associated with such a project. Find out what it was like to commit to a year-long design goal, and the ups and downs of trying to create something original. Every. Single. Day. 

As well as practical skills to master there are lessons about creativity, discipline and the artistic process. Pete also discusses topics such as social media, self-promotion/PR, side projects, and of course, both cinema and design.

A must for design fans and film lovers alike.


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