The team at Code Club Australia is proud to bring you not one, but two FREE kids robotics workshops* for kids aged approximately 8-12. Bring...

Code Club Australia Presents: Crack the Code with Robotics


Level 2
2000 NSW

Kid's Robotics Workshops with Code Club Australia

Event Details

The team at Code Club Australia is proud to bring you not one, but two FREE kids robotics workshops* for kids aged approximately 8-12. 

Bring your kids to the Telstra Customer Insight Centre (Level 2, 400 George Street, Sydney) to let them explore the exciting and innovative world of coding and robotics. 

The workshops will include an introduction to Sphero SPRK robots and an opportunity for parents to lead their kids through a robotics programming exercise. 

These exciting workshops will engage kids with no previous experience in computer programming as well as passionate little expert coders.

Get your free tickets for your kids, and help them interact and play with technology.



When: 6pm - 8pm 27/05/16  and  6pm - 8pm 03/06/16*

Who for: kids aged 8-12 and their mums and dads.

Where: Level 2, 400 George St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

*The content of both workshops will be the same. 


This event is presented by Code Club Australia.