Vivid Ideas at Chatswood Chase: Australian Chinese artists spanning the continents - Tianli Zu, Simone Chua, Drue Chiam and Karen Chan. Australian Chinese...

Artists in Conversation: China Ready


Level 1, Chatswood Chase
345 Victoria Avenue
2067 NSW

China ready 1
China ready 2

Event Details

Vivid Ideas at Chatswood Chase: Australian Chinese artists spanning the continents - Tianli Zu, Simone Chua, Drue Chiam and Karen Chan.

Australian Chinese artists Tianli Zu and Simone Chua are spanning the continents. Living and working in Australia they are influenced by their multicultural heritage and their work is truly international. 

In this engaging conversation they will reveal how their heritage influences their work, including their Vivid Sydney at Chatswood interactive installations I Dance with You and Trumpet Flowers. They’ll also be joined by curators Drue Chiam and Karen Chan to lift the lid on working internationally in particular their experiences working with Chinese manufacturers, light festivals and museums. 

Multimedia artist Tianli Zu was born in Beijing, China and relocated to Sydney in 1988 where she obtained a doctorate degree from The University of Sydney. She specialises in the texts of Taoism as a means of understanding and participating in this disruptive yin-yang world. 

Tianli Zu’s artwork I Dance With You features the powerful yet delicate wings of the mythical Qilin beast beating along Chatswood Mall, bringing prosperity and peace. In Chinese and East Asian mythology, the Qilin is a holy beast composed of a dragon (qi) and a phoenix (lin) – yin and yang.

Simone Chua is director of amigo and amigo, is a Sydney based artist studio with an extensive background in sculpture and Industrial Design.  At her installation Trumpet Flowers you’ll feel as if you’ve shrunk as you approach the super-sized trumpet flower garden as you experience a giant’s musical garden as 30 trumpet flowers from two to five metres tall, tower over you.

Drue Chiam and Karen Chan of Kaleidoscale Marcom have worked with artists from all over the world to design and curate exhibitions, events and festivals in China and overseas.


Access and Inclusion

  • Wheelchair Accessible Wheelchair Accessible - Access to the venue is suitable for wheelchairs (toilets, ramps/lifts etc.) and designated wheelchair spaces are available.
