Creative Direction 2025

Vivid Sydney, Dream.

What do you dream about?

Everything starts with a dream, a wish, an idea. 

Dreaming is something we all do. It’s as old as time and as universal as life itself. Dreams don’t discriminate – they are borderless, ageless and endless. They can be personal or public. Prophetic, life changing and inspirational, they can also be trivial, hilarious and terrifying. 

Dreams are free.

When shared, our dreams can become a movement. They can inspire, motivate, spark excitement and connection. 

The whole world dreams, it is something we have in common, something that unites us. Our human story is embedded in dreams, they help explain our existence and our past.

Ancient cultures share the belief that dreams are significant, that they occupy a space outside the everyday and offer an insight into a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the universe and everything in it.

To dream is to create new worlds, desires and hope. A place where we can imagine the future, a world different to the one we are in. A better world.

Dreams have no rules, they are playgrounds for our imagination, opening doors to creativity and innovation. They help us with problem solving, memory, learning and inspiration. Dreams evoke creativity, the motivation for many artists, the impetus for great stories, music and art.

For centuries, scholars and artists have analysed and utilised dreams. Yet to dream still invokes mystery, the blurring of the line between reality and imagination, a window into the subconscious.  The place where anything is possible and there are no limits, where everything is open to interpretation.

In 2025, Vivid Sydney invites you to dream big. To go to the outer reaches of your mind, to think differently, without boundaries or preconceptions and to immerse yourself in new experiences and ideas. We want you to dream with the lights on, to daydream, to dream without boundaries, to soar.

We want to share our dreams with you in 2025. Dreams that take you out of your everyday, that inspire awe, joy and discovery. Dreams that delight, provoke and engage - the motivational, the emotional, the beautiful and the quirky. Vivid dreams expressed through light, music, ideas and food in the most beautiful and inspirational city in the world.

Make your dreams come true in 2025.


Gill Minervini

Gill Minervini  
Vivid Sydney - Festival Director