Artists: Damian Barbeler (Australia) / John Taylor (Australia)Collaborators: Nicole Forsyth / Suzannah Keene / Anna McMichael Sound Bubble is a huge...

Sound Bubble


Circular Quay
2000 NSW

Sound Bubble

Event Details

Artists: Damian Barbeler (Australia) / John Taylor (Australia)

Collaborators: Nicole Forsyth / Suzannah Keene / Anna McMichael 

Sound Bubble is a huge, transparent inflatable cube (or bubble) that is equipped with sensors and an artificial brain.  It senses when visitors approach its exterior and reacts in a seemingly intelligent fashion by sending out particles of light and audio sound effects. 

The interior of the bubble is completely filled with white balls, of varying sizes.  When activated thousands of pixel lights in the ceiling and floor cause the balls to glow in colourful dancing patterns and 3D audio effects are synched with the movements of light.

When no one is nearby the ‘bubble’ will please itself with various colourful light and sound displays. However if enough people surround its exterior, the bubble reacts ecstatically with an extravagant display of light and music.

The artists are interested in exploring concepts of performance space and audience relationship. The Sound Bubble is at the same time a concert platform, entertainment unit, art installation, interactive toy and computer game. 


Country represented by installation: Australia

Audio Description