Artist: Equilibrium Design / Dolby Australia / Sofie Loizou (Australia)Visitors are invited to enter the domed structure of the luminous, breathing...

Electric Jellyfish


Circular Quay
2000 NSW

Electric Jellyfish

Event Details

Artist: Equilibrium Design / Dolby Australia / Sofie Loizou (Australia)

Visitors are invited to enter the domed structure of the luminous, breathing Electric Jellyfish. Here they enjoy a multi-sensory experience created by breathtaking moving visuals integrated with an ethereal soundscape. Innovative technology delivers multi-directional sound and music of astonishing clarity, depth and detail.

The interactive elements of the installation are activated when participants ‘pluck’, ‘bounce’ or ‘wobble’ an electric light ring that surrounds the interior of the dome. This interaction generates a burst of energy that shoots flashes of light and bursts of sound up to the centre of the dome. Visitors can also work collaboratively to create their own distinct ‘species’ of jellyfish to flow across the surface of the dome.

When viewed from outside, the dome is transformed into a beautiful display of light and amorphous floating patterns.

This joint installation unites the creative concept, user-centered design approach and visuals of Equilibrium Design, music and sound by Sofie Loizou, Dolby Atmos® sound, and the creative technology innovations of Dolby Australia.

Country represented by installation: Australia

Electric Jellyfish is using Intel® technology inside, based on Intel® architecture and specifically designed for makers, students, educators, and DIY electronics enthusiasts.