Artists: Toby K (Toby Knyvett) Country: Australia Beatdice engages participants in a collaborative musical experience using illuminated sensor cubes...



First Fleet Park
2000 NSW

On a fenced-off platform, illuminated dice create a sound and light show as they are positioned, turned and re-arranged.

Event Details

Artists: Toby K (Toby Knyvett)
Country: Australia

Beatdice engages participants in a collaborative musical experience using illuminated sensor cubes, or ‘beatdice’, that can be manipulated to mash-up music. The interactive beatdice can access diverse musical sounds and rhythms ranging from the viola to break beats. As people ‘play’ the beatdice and mix the sounds, the installation responds visually by creating a pulsating light artwork.

The vision for Beatdice is to give users access to the core tools of composition in an intuitive and immediate way, enabling them to jam and improvise in a live musical collaboration. It often takes years of practice for a musician to reach the point where playing their instrument becomes instinctive and they can jam and improvise with others. By design, the beatdice are easy to master and require no musical experience.

Artist Toby Knyvett specialises in creating highly interactive sound and light artworks. His latest project is to try to launch a satellite that will reflect sunlight down to earth.
