What needs to change to become more collaborative?The recent national innovation and science agenda has promoted an 'ideas boom': endorsing collaboration...
Research, Innovation and the ‘Ideas Boom’: Pathways to Collaboration
2007 NSW
Event Details
What needs to change to become more collaborative?
The recent national innovation and science agenda has promoted an 'ideas boom': endorsing collaboration between academia and business as the new source for Australia's growth. With this in mind, how can successful technology startups, creative businesses and large corporates really connect with the brightest minds and research talent from universities to solve society's big issues?
Hear from Australia's leading industry, government and university, and engage in vibrant discussion around new ideas and embracing technological and business innovation.
In addition, learn about some of the exciting outcomes that can be achieved when adopting an academia-based, creative and tech approach to problem-solving, including:
Creating and designing Australia's first living algae building: In this project, UTS biochemists and sustainable building researchers have joined forces with global architectural firm Atelier Ten to explore the concept of a Sydney building powered entirely by sustainable, green algae.
The robots cleaning the Sydney Harbour Bridge: a 12-year collaboration between UTS and NSW Roads and Maritime Services has resulted in the development of three different technologies including Sandy and Rosie, the two robots operating on The Coathanger today.
Innovation and leadership capability through design-led innovation: a unique partnership with UTS and leading engineering company Aurecon has generated new company insights across the fields of engineering, manufacturing and business modelling.
This event is presented by UTS.