We need young ideas for old challenges.Australia’s got an ageing dilemma. Many Australians are living and working longer, and as a whole, Australians...

Design for Social Innovation


Barnet Long Room
2000 NSW

Design for social innovation


Dr Ingrid Burkett

Director, Knode

Dr Ingrid Burkett is the Social Design Fellow at CSI. She is a social designer, designing processes, products and knowledge that deepen social impact and facilitate social innovation. She has contributed to the design of policy and processes in a diversity of fields, including community development, social investment, social enterprise and social procurement. 

Ingrid is the President of the International Association for Community Development and is committed to fostering an international dialogue about designing innovative methodologies for sustainable development. She is also the Managing Director of Knode, a social business that aims to build the knowledge base underpinning social innovation and to help community organisations, governments and businesses to foster and share innovative practice.

Ingrid has worked in the community sector, government and with the private sector and believes that each of these sectors has a valuable role to play in social innovation. Most recently she was the Social Innovations Manager for Foresters Community Finance, designing and implementing innovations through training,education, research and publications (2006-2010); and prior to this Ingrid was the Training Development Coordinator for Oxfam Australia, designing and delivering internal and external training (2004-2006). Ingrid is also a practising artist and designer. She weaves this passion into all her work and is well known for her use of visuals in publications, speeches and workshops.

Ingrid has qualifications in Social Work (B.SocWk, first class Honours); Business (Masters in Business); and Community Economic Development (PhD). She has particular expertise in the design of economic processes and products and is recognised internationally for her work in community economic development and finance. Though these are particular specialities, Ingrid has the skills to design processes, products and knowledge in a wide range of fields and disciplines and believes that the design of social innovation requires a capacity to think in creative cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral ways.

Dr Andrew Young

Dr Andrew Young

CEO, Centre for Social Impact

Andrew has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Social Impact since early 2012. He is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of social impact across the social purpose, government and corporate sectors in Australia. He brings a systems approach and believes that the keys to improving social impact include an outcomes focus, evidence and measurement, collaboration and leadership development.

After completing a PhD in engineering at the University of Adelaide in 1995, Andrew worked as a strategy consultant with Andersen Consulting, providing strategy, business and marketing advice to large Australian and international companies. Seeking to use his skills for social outcome, he took up a role as head of marketing and fundraising for The Smith Family.

Andrew was appointed Chief Executive Officer of youth cancer charity CanTeen in 2004, winning the Equity Trustees’ Not-for-Profit CEO First Year Achiever Award in 2005. During his time at CanTeen, Andrew developed and delivered a 5-year strategic plan that greatly enhanced CanTeen’s recognition and influence. He grew the organisation from 30 staff to nearly 100 and lifted turnover from $4.5m to over $22m while re-defining CanTeen’s mission, introducing a new focus on research, advocacy and collaboration and greatly broadening the reach and impact of CanTeen’s work with young people living with cancer.

Building on discussions with CEO peers in other organisations, Andrew was a founding member of Emerging Leaders for Social Change (ELSC) - a group of emerging leaders with an interest in creating greater social impact through a stronger social sector and cross-sectoral collaboration.

Carolyn Curtis

Carolyn Curtis


Carolyn started her career as a social worker, supporting families at risk of having their children removed into state care, and removing children at risk of harm.

Her front line experience with the limitations of government service systems, and her passion for social equality, lead her to seek positions where she could transform the system. She went on to work in child protection policy and was creator and manager of an innovative program to supporting babies at risk of harm.

Carolyn joined TACSI in 2010 as a secondee from state child protection services - having hit barriers at the policy and management level she wanted to explore making a different to the system from outside. Carolyn was co-lead on the project that created the family peer support program Family by Family; winner of a NAPCAN award for innovation in child protection.

As Director of Family by Family, Carolyn took the program from prototype to a functioning and funded service operating in two sites in South Australia and creating outcomes for families in tough times, including those at risk of losing their children to state care.

As CEO, Carolyn has grown TACSI from an initiative funded by government to a sustainable and growing social enterprise - deepening TACSI’s expertise in child protection and broadening TACSI’s influence into other areas including ageing and disability. The Family by Family program has spread to other states through supportive partnerships and Weavers, a second TACSI designed program that provides peer support for carers, is about to follow in its footsteps.

Carolyn is a strong advocate for the need to focus social innovation efforts in the areas where it is a necessity - to change outcomes for families, older people, people with disabilities, and Indigenous Australians and to transform the government service system.

Carolyn is a Director with the Social Innovation Exchange, singer, new mum and Labrador lover.

Matthew Haren

Matthew Haren

Co-founder & Director, Test Kitchen

Matt is a Gen Xer who has reinvented himself from award-winning researcher in nutrition, health and ageing to social innovator and aspiring entrepreneur.

He is a founder of the Test Kitchen Project; a winner of the 2015 South Australian Ageing Innovation Challenge. He works at the intersection of ageing, nutrition and wellbeing and seeks to put causal research evidence to work by blending it with customer-centred design and innovative business models.

He is currently studying Entrepreneurship for Food and Wine which he says, besides being fun, provides a foundation for tackling food-related social problems.   

Julie-Ann Hill

Julie-Ann Hill

Co-founder and Director, Test Kitchen

An enthusiast of the path of least resistance until recently, Julie-Ann embarked on a customer co-designed mealtime project that was to become Test Kitchen in 2015. As co-founder of the project that won the South Australian Ageing Innovation Challenge, and Service Excellence in Aged Care (Port Augusta City Council), Julie-Ann combined a ‘bottom-up’ approach toward consumer engagement with innovative business models for the creation of a community service for the greater good.

While investigation into food-related social issues like customer mealtime emotions continue, Julie-Ann is busy promoting the Project through catering gigs and speaking engagements. Please form an orderly queue. 

Luke Greive

Luke Greive

Operations Manager, Aged & Community Care at Telstra

Throughout a broad and practical career in aged care Luke has worked across the complete service continuum from sub-acute geriatric hospital care, traditional residential and retirement care to community based aged care.

To develop the technical depth required of a Chief Operator Luke has fulfilled roles as a Registered Nurse, Education Manager, Safety Manager, Quality Manager, General Manager, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

Luke is deeply experienced in leading major multi-location reviews and realignment of systems and operational services, coordinating the delivery of high quality holistic customer-focused care and services within Hostel, Nursing Home, Community Care and Retirement Living. Within Luke’s remit he has implemented and lead large specialist aged care management teams across product development, product delivery and product governance including the development of supporting frameworks focused on best practice care outcomes, managing key business performance drivers and ensuring quality compliance.


Chris Vanstone

Chris Vanstone

Director of Co-Design, TACSI

Chris leads co-design across TACSI, our projects and start-ups. He started his career as a product designer, designing biscuits, cameras and razors, but has spent the last 14 years working with interdisciplinary teams and communities to co-design solutions to social problems.

Before joining TACSI he designed solutions to increase democratic participation, reduce household carbon emissions, build relationships for socially isolated older people and enable more young people to thrive. His work has been exhibited at MoMA and Cooper-Hewitt in New York and at the Design Museum and V&A in London.

Event Details

We need young ideas for old challenges.

Australia’s got an ageing dilemma. Many Australians are living and working longer, and as a whole, Australians over the age of 65 are now wealthier and healthier than any previous generations. At the same time, not all Australians are experiencing their older years equally. In addition, slower economic growth and an ageing demographic is set to place huge strain on taxes and governments, not-for-profits and communities into the future.

We need young, creative ideas and new approaches if we are ever going to achieve the outcomes and wellbeing we desire. Join us as we explore the latest co-design approaches to social problems, and tackle the biggest issue of them all: rethinking ageing.

The Baby Boomer generation is now moving into their senior years; 5.3 million Australians are aged 51-69. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI) has been on the ground talking to Baby Boomers across Australia and they’re not happy with what’s on the menu. 

Our ageing population can be a boom not a burden. What is the social and economic good of longer lives?  How do we support the growth and spread of innovation in ageing? How do we engage Baby Boomers, organisations and governments to reimagine ageing?

In this day-long workshop, you’ll learn from TACSI and the Centre for Social Impact, community members and small not-for profits, right up to large corporates, philanthropists, researchers and government leaders - and experience what it means to use design methods for social innovation.

For more detailed information, click here.

This event is presented Centre for Social Impact


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