Navigating the new cultural landscape, following reform of the arts and Local Government sectors, we take a collaborative and strategic approach...

Connecting Creatives, Councils and Communities


Museum of Contemporary Art
2000 NSW

Connecting Creatives, Councils and Communities


Chloe Beevers, Strategic Artistry - Connecting Creative Communities

Chloe Beevers

Founder, Strategic Artistry

This is the fourth year Chloe Beevers has presented and hosted events as part of the Vivid Ideas program. 
A sense of purpose to 'connect creative communities’ has guided Chloe's fulfilling career. She has served rural, regional and metropolitan communities, engaging in arts management & strategy development in local, state & national spheres.

Chloe has over 15 years experience as a creative strategist, collaboration broker, program producer and presenter.

As the founder of the consultancy firm Strategic Artistry, Chloe builds the capacity of governments, organisations, industries and communities to deliver creative outcomes. She achieves this through:

  • Consulting on strategic community, cultural and industry development;
  • Practitioner development as a trainer, coach, and keynote presenter;
  • Brokering artists, stakeholder partnerships and resources;
  • Joint ventures and investing in social and cultural enterprises;
  • Producing quality events and programs;
  • Facilitating participatory consultation processes; 
  • Identifying opportunities for impact, collaboration and funding; 
  • Providing strategic context through mapping related policies, plans, strategies and stakeholders to identify potential alignments.
Chloe provides technology solutions for the Creative Industries, Local Government and Tourism:
  • Audio guides for galleries, museums and cultural tourism (as a Cultural Tourism Consultant managing IZI.Travel across Australia and New Zealand)
  • Virtual Reality of your locations and experiences (as a Business Development Consultant through Merkava Technologies)
  • 3D printers for rapid prototyping, education and bespoke design

Chloe is a lecturer for the Bachelor of Entertainment and Arts Management through the Australian Institute of Music, teaching marketing research, venue and gallery management. She was an Event Manager for TEDxMelbourne 2015 managing live streaming to Federation Square and online. She is a journalist for Eastside FM in Sydney. Chloe serves as a Director on the Board of Management for Arts On Tour.

Chloe has over a decade experience in the Local Government sector as a specialist in community planning and cultural development. During her years in the Policy Division of Local Government NSW, she advised the 152 councils across NSW on all things arts and culture, and represented the sector nationally.  This role involved managing the Local Government Arts and Culture Awards and Summit which recognised best practice initiatives, undertaken by councils with their communities. Chloe continues to provide services to the Local Government sector as well as supporting other sectors in council relations.

Prior to working in the public sector, Chloe operated a technology business producing multimedia resources for galleries, councils and communities. Having come full circle she now she supports these industries to integrate emerging technologies, in particular audio guides, virtual reality and 3D printing facilitate new ways of engaging your audience.

Chloe is an exhibiting photographer, classically trained musician & creative entrepreneur. 

Event Details

Navigating the new cultural landscape, following reform of the arts and Local Government sectors, we take a collaborative and strategic approach to ensure a vibrant and inclusive culture.

The arts and culture sector is a mosaic of organisations, industries, private and public services. What is your purpose and where is your niche? Where do you fit in the scheme of things? How do you engage and collaborate? Which organisations are aligned with what you seek to deliver? How can you effectively work together?

There are numerous opportunities and resources available through collaborations. Ultimately, by establishing relationships based on common ground, we can leverage further reaching outcomes for and with communities.

Councils, Fit for the Future as creative collaborators:

Have you considered councils as a partner? It’s a great opportunity given each year councils invest $436m in NSW and $1,397.6m nationally, in arts and cultural services, programs and venues (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Councils across NSW have been reviewed to be ‘Fit for the Future’, which involves amalgamations and new collaborative approaches. As councils review their operations this forum will support councils and creative sectors collaborate, to ensure ongoing opportunities for communities to engage in arts and culture.

Arts Sector, the changing landscape

All spheres of government have reviewed their cultural priorities. This has implications on funding and support to arts organisations and creatives. What are the flow on effects to the sector and our communities? What positive strategies can we develop to ensure arts and cultural stakeholders continue to deliver sustainable and dynamic creative outcomes? 

With change on all fronts, this forum brings together representatives from across the sector/s, facilitating discussion to establish a collaborative and strategic way forward. 

This forum will:

  • Facilitate discussion and development of tangible strategies following the reform of The Arts and Local Government.
  • Explore implications of changes to government funding and priorities for the arts.
  • Address implications of council amalgamations on arts and culture, how councils work with their communities and the creative sector.
  • Provide strategic context across the industry, including relevant plans, policies and strategies to identify where you align. Identify key organisations leading and supporting the sector, including capacity building, funding and partnership opportunities. 
  • Guide you through a strategic framework to further develop your own collaborative strategy.
  • Identify solid leads to activate your initiatives and sustain your organisations/services.
  • Bring together a diverse mix of people looking to collaborate.


  • People with ideas for creative initiatives
  • Arts organisations
  • Services providers
  • Creative industries
  • Councils
  • Creative practitioners
  • Community organisations
  • Industry leaders
  • Government representatives
  • Educators
  • Students
  • Those looking to enter the industries

Make a day of it:

This event is presented by Strategic Artistry, which is also presenting a forum on Digital Strategies for Cultural Tourism following this session on the same day. Make a day of it as these sessions are designed to complement each other. 


*Booking and transaction fees may apply